Pom Pon Regulations- Catholic High School League

girls Pom Pon Regulations


Each C.H.S.L. Pom Pon team is required to participate per CHSL regulation 9-E. Those squads expected to participate in 2013 are as follows by Division:

  • Bishop Division: Divine Child, Marian, Mercy, Notre Dame Prep and Regina.
  • Cardinal Division: Cabrini, Gabriel Richard Catholic, Fr. Gabriel Richard, Ladywood and Sacred Heart.


Time limits for each round are a minimum of 1 minute and 30 seconds, maximum 3 minutes. Timing begins with the first beat of music and ends with the last beat of music. For any time over/under the minimum or maximum, a 10% deduction will be taken from the total score for that round. Expect strict enforcement of the time limits.


It is required that teams have a minimum of 6 members and a maximum of 24. Teams are not required to have the same number of participants for each routine. For example, a 20 member team could have 18 participants in the Dance Round and 13 participants in the Pon Pom Round and not be in violation.


The routines must be original. All teams must have each routine recorded on separate tapes, clearly marked with the school name and ready to play. Each school is responsible for testing, starting and stopping their own music.

Coaches please use discretion in your choice of music. Song titles should be submitted to the Catholic League office for approval well in advance. Words, actions and routines should be appropriate and in good taste. This is the Catholic League.

Butt Slams/Slides are allowed without bracing with hands as long as it is not performed from a full standing position. Split Slams are allowed only if braced with hands. Body Slams are allowed unless the starting position is full standing. “Football” starting position is permitted. Pretzel Slams from a squat position are allowed without bracing. Pretzel Slams from a standing position are allowed with bracing of both hands. Dive Rolls, Knee Slams, Base Slides, and Swedish Falls are illegal.

Dance Lifts & Partnering. Dance Lifts, Tricks and Partnering are permitted and defined as follows: Lifting/Supporting Dancer must maintain direct contact with the performance surface. At least one Lifting/Supporting Dancer must have hand / arm to hand / arm / body contact with the Elevated / Executing Dancer(s) at all times during the Lift, Trick or Partnering skill. These lifts may be stationary or moving.

Clarification on Lifts and Mounts

A deduction will occur (you will get a zero in the routine) if any participant is being lifted above the shoulders by only one other performer (when the base is in a standing position). For example, propeller stunts, standing or sitting on shoulders are not allowed. In addition, standing on backs is not allowed. You are allowed to do a partner move as long as there are more base members than what is being lifted. You can lift one on one as long as the dancers’ full body does not go above the partners shoulders.

Example: 1 person can be lifted above shoulders as long as 2 or more member holding them.

Individual gymnastics are optional in your routines; extra points will not be awarded. Moving Mounts are not allowed. The mount partner move is as follows: When the total weight of the performer, with both feet off the ground is supported in a stationary position. (Example: A performer sitting, kneeling or standing on the back of one or more team members.) A moving mount is when a performer is supported off the ground in a stationary position, but the base person continues to move. A backward flip/ frontward flip over the supporting arms of two performers is allowed because it is considered a stunt not a mount."


There will be two routines judged: Pom Pon and Dance. Please see below for specific routine requirements. Trophies awarded: Division 1 Champion, Division 2 Champion, Division 1 Finalist, Division 2 Finalist. The winner and finalist team will be announced only. No more pom winner and dance winner. The winner with the most points will make up prep bowl.

Jamboree: Schools will compete individually against a score sheet. The coaches will be sent an email that week regarding placing and scores which will be carried forward to the Catholic League championship.

Pom Pon Routine Requirements

  1. Must use pom pons; pom pons may be dropped for a maximum of 32 consecutive counts.
  2. Pom uniforms must be worn.
  3. Three formation changes are required.
  4. Kick requirement: 8 waist or higher kicks (kicks do not have to be in a connected kick line.) Kicks must be "hip high" to be counted as a kick. Anything less than hip high will be considered a leg extension, not a kick. If this routine does not contain 8 kicks, (as defined here), a 10% deduction from total points for this round will be taken.

Jazz/Dance Routine Requirements

  1. No flashlight routines allowed; gym lights will not be turned off.
  2. Change of uniform is optional.
  3. Use of gloves is optional.
  4. Gymnastics allowed, but no extra points will be awarded.
  5. Routine must include a full team double pirouette and a full team right or left split leap.

A 10% deduction from total points for this round will be enforced for each missing requirement.

Any violation of the rules and restrictions listed above will result in a 10% deduction from the round in which the violation occurred. If in doubt about a stunt or move, call the league office and ask first.


Protocol for Concussions

Hydration Statement